Friday, October 22, 2010

A lot of Activities

So once again I have slacked on keeping even a weekly update for the twins journey through school. Can you tell I take on too much? Well I guess I will just post when I can...don't hold me to it. Anyway... Bella has taken home sooo many papers that she has done in school I can't keep up! I will scan the fun ones, or the ones she picks out as we go and post them. She is loving school a lot, and asked on Saturday why she wasn't going to school that morning. Bella likes to practice her name, but we are trying to get her to write her name in lowercase letters, she will only write it in uppercase.

Quinn has had to miss a few days of school for a speech evaluation. The outcome is after seeing an ENT specialist he has to get tubes in his ears on Nov. 14th, 2010. His tympanogram (sp?) in his right here was flat line, and the left was just a hump. They are supposed to show a huge spike. Basically the way they explained it is that he hears things muffled as if he is under water but much thicker fluid, or when you are in an airplane. His speech evaluation through the school board, show that he is slurring his words and leaving off the endings. So we are waiting to hear about our meeting with the zoned school, and he will have speech therapy in addition to VPK. So another appt. to work into the week. At least we caught it early enough and with the tubes being put in we hope to see a HUGE improvement. (I'm hoping this will help the meltdowns we have too!) Other than that Quinn loves school! He goes there very shy but comes out with a smile ear to ear!!

Wednesday they had 'Funny Hat Day.' This coming week they have to dress like cowboys, farm animals, etc. Bella is having a party in her classroom and Quinn did a pumpkin project today in class.

They also want to thank all of our family and friends who bought subscriptions to magazines for their school fundraiser. It was greatly appreciated! One of the games they got to play if so many orders were submitted by a certain date was 'Plinko.' Bella played and won $3!! So we hope those of you who contributed enjoy your discounted subscriptions and we thank you very much for supporting our school!!

I hope that this next week won't be too busy, that I can get some pictures up. My desk is over-flowing with things I need to do, but just don't have motivation to decide an order to it. Maybe because I have 3 kids, a husband, a house, laundry, a job, crafts....hehehe!! You know me gotta keep busy!

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