Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Another Terrific Kid!

Friday we went to the school for Quinn's award ceremony for 'Terrific Kid!' This was the second of the year, and one student from each of the classes was chosen by their teacher. Quinn was chosen this week in his class to be chosen by Mrs. Ferrell. Congratulations Quinn!

He was a bit shy but was very proud! Last week Bella received the award with our neighbor down the street, and this week it was the boys turn! Yea for Jack to receive the same award. We have some really TERRIFIC KIDS on this block!!

Here are some pictures...
Quinn Very Proud!

Glowing from ear to ear!

Quinn and Jack

All of the Terrific Kids this week

Very proud little sister :o)

Quinn and Daddy!
I was so busy taking pictures I forgot to get my picture taken with my little man :o(

Quinn with Assistant Principal and Kiwanis President

Cookie time!

Quinn and Jack - Terrific Kids, Terrific Pals