Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day!

Quinn and Bella are starting to learn what Valentine's Day is. Tonight they wrote out their V-Day cards for their classmates, and it was so nice to see them writing their names! How fast a year goes by. Quinn of course too forever, but Bella zipped right through!

They are each having their own little party in their classes tomorrow. I know that they will get some Valentine's Day cards from their friends, but didn't want tons in their backpacks, so silly me forgot to get a craft at Michael's to hold their Valentines. So we did then next best thing that I used to do when I was little. We made our own Valentine's Day boxes! They had a ton of fun decorating their boxes!! Here are some pictures. Enjoy and Happy Valentines Day!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Monkey Business

Quinn singing his 'Monkey Song.' He learned this in Ms. Denissa's class and he LOVES it!! We recorded this back on November 10th, 2010. He even tried teaching Brinlee how to sing it.