Friday, October 28, 2011

Teriffic Kid!

Today we went to the school for Bella's award ceremony for 'Teriffic Kid!' This was the first of the year, and one student from each of the classes was chosen by their teacher. Bella was the first in her class to be chosen by Mr.s Salvatierra. Congratulations Bella!

She was a bit nerveous, but gladly went up for her certificate and smiled for pictures. Her friend Daisy also received a 'Teriffic Kid' Award as well! Way to go Daisy! They also had juice and cookies for the kids and parents afterwards.

Here are some pictures...
Bella very happy!

Posing for a picture with all the other kids.

Daisy with her award!

All of the Teriffic Kids!

With Daddy!

With Mommy!

Very proud little sister Brinlee!

With Asst. Principal and Kiwanis President

Our 2 first Teriffic Kids: Daisy & Bella

Her award: 2 pencils, a certificate, a free chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-A and her teacher received a Sawgrass Buck for the class to win things for the class.