Monday, August 29, 2011

Spanish Here We Come

Bella came home on Friday with a little workbook she idid in class. It's about the school rules but everything is in Spanish! She did an amazing job coloring and gluing, however I have no idea what it says!! LOL! There are about 5 pages to it, I only scanned in the first page. You can see it on her page!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Doing Great!

Well the first week is almost to a close and the kids are loving school! They have had P.E., science, movie time and more. It's great seeing them being excited to get on the bus as well as excited when they come home to tell me a little bit about what they did during the day.

It has been a small struggle for me to figure out what to send for lunchf or Quinn but I'm sure I will really start figuring out what to give him. Right now it's more of snacks, I just want hom to get used to school.

I posted some, well more like a lot, of pictures that Quinn has drawn at school. He does an amazing job! Such an imagination!! Be sure to check out his page to see his artwork.

I hope school continues to be fun for them and makes learning easy. I have had some troubles with our HOA and the bus, but that's another story...

Looking forward to all of the Kindergarten adventures this year as well as finally having a little more time to get my things done during the day. However I should bite my tounge, I might just jinx myself. LOL! Here are a few pictures from our walk home on their first day. I forgot to take a picture with the twins before they left for their first day, so I figured a picture at the end of their first day was just as important!!
Me and my AMAZING kindergarteners!

The ride of Champions home!

Monday, August 22, 2011

It was a Good Day

The twins said they had a good first day of school. They got to play on the playground together, sat next to their classmates at lunch and learned about their classrooms. I had some paperwork to fill out when I got home from work and I'm sure there will be more.

Bella said they made a trip to the library and listened to a story about a gingerbread man and got to eat gingerbread cookies. Quinn of course said he didn't know what they did in school! LOL!

Bella did a cute handprint on a page that had an adorable poem about her First Day of Kindergarten. I have posted in on her page. Quinn said he did one too, but his teacher didn't send it home.

They are excited about going back to school and I'm excited to hear what they do everyday. It has been nice so far having time to get things done around the house. I think I can get used to this, however it will still take some time.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Meet the Teachers!

On Friday August 19th, 2011 we got to meet their teachers! We got a lot done at the school today. We found out their bus schedule, bought school t-shirts, got to see where their classrooms were and met their teachers!

They are in the dual language program so they will have the same teachers throughout the year. Quinn has Mrs. Ferrell for homeroom and Bella has Sra. Salvatierra for homeroom. They will switch teachers during the day to learn Spanish. During meet the teachers we got to do a scavanger hunt to locate things in the classroom as well as drop of school supplies and meet their teachers in person! The kids even got little snack goodie bags from their teachers to welcome them to Kindergarten!

I think they are very excited and ready to start the school year!
Excited to meet their teachers!

We are going to be Dual Language Students!

First Day is Almost Here!

I'm finally going to school this year,
and now the big day's almost here.
I'll learn to write and count and read--
Only two more days till school.
I got new pants and shirts and socks,
a brand-new red and blue lunch box;
I'll paint and sing and dance and play--
Only one more day fill school.
My hair is washed, my sneakers squeak,
I'm so excited, I can hardly speak!
New things to do, new friends to meet--
Hooray! It's the first day of school!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Few More Days!

It's almost time for school! We have a few more last minute things to get on the kids school supply list, and I am trying to make sure everything is together. I was hoping to get the kids up today at their regular 'school time' however I'm fighting a sinus infection and just wanted to sleep!

Tomorrow the twins have 'Meet the Teacher' and we are also bringing all of their supplies, because I know they will not be able to carry all of it on Monday on the BUS! I am excited for them to start school, however I know that will be another emotional day for me as they will be gone ALL DAY!! New adventures are always scary, but this will be great for them. I can't wait to hear all of the stories they bring home, and see how they like the BIG SCHOOL!

Time to get this day started, a list together of what we still need since I am behind and get ready for tomorrow! Kindergarten here WE come!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Getting Ready!

Well it's that time of year to get things ready. Kindergarten is right around the corner and summer is almost over. Quinn and Bella have had their yearly check ups at the pediatrician, and let me tell you between Quinn and Brinlee I ahven't been to the pedi office that much in a week let alone a year!

I have gotten most of their school supplies on the list, with a few more to purchase yet. They got new backpacks and lunch bags ready to go! We have 'Meet the Teacher Night' on August 19th. So we are very excited!!

I don't know if I told you or not but they both were accepted into the Dual-Language Program! Only 36 kindergarteners are accepted and they BOTH GOT IN!! They will be doing half of their day in English and half of their day in Spanish. I better get my translation book soon and start learning my Spanish! All I know right now,, dose, tres. (Is that the correct spelling anyways?) Oh boy....

Anyway I hope that you choose to follow their school blog. I think I will be able to keep up this year with posting once a week, or here and there since they are in school all day. Thanks for reading!!